NOTE: The wax resist is colored with a pink or purple tint (that burns out completely), but the actual shade varies by batch. Recently we were sent a sample of the Mr. Mark’s Wax On. We enjoyed testing this wax resist and found it to be excellent for precision application on bisque fired ware. The light purple color, which completely burns out, makes it easy to see as you are applying it. The wax brushes on smoothly and dries quickly – about 5 minutes! The special hardening agent in this wax also ensures that any glaze that drips over onto the wax will wipe off easily with a wet sponge. Mr. Mark’s Wax On also works exceptionally well for the “Wax and Wipe” technique on leather-hard or bone dry clay. Apply the wax directly onto your un-bisque fired piece, (I tested it on both a fresh slab and on a bone dry piece), allow it to dry, then use a sponge to remove the clay from the bare places. The wax seals over the clay underneath it, leaving those areas raised. After bisque-firing, you’re left with a nice embossed (or debossed) texture. Mr. Marks’ Wax ON is a wax resist product that contains a special hardener that quickly sets the wax. It was created to eliminate problematic dripping and tacky surfaces when applying wax. Now you can decorate with wax during glazing without worrying about pesky smudges and sticky fingers. It is ideal for creating detailed, precise surface decoration on bisqueware and can be applied with either a brush or slip applicator. The pink/purple color allows you to easily visualize where wax is applied. However, the color burns out in the firing, just like regular wax. Wax ON should be stored at room temperature and mixed well before use. Brushes and tools used for application of Wax ON should be washed after use.
Aftosa Wax Resist is used to resist glazes. It should be thinned with water to suit the potter's use. The wax is applied to the base and rims of the pieces before glazing. Allow the wax three to four hours to dry before glazing (some clean up with a sponge may be required) or before adding a second coat. Aftosa Wax Resist is also excellent for use in decorating pottery. Although Aftosa Wax Resist is tinted green so it is easy to see while you are working with it, the Wax Resist fires clear and the Black Wax Resist leaves a black line after being fired. The wax has a shelf life of 2-3 years. If used improperly, it can become contaminated. Always keep the lid tight on the original container. Pour a small amount in a separate container, use as desired, and dispose of the excess. Do NOT pour wax back into the original container. If the wax has a strong, sour odor, it has been contaminated. Clean up is easy with warm, soapy water. Please Note: The Wax will FREEZE in cold climates and will not resist effectively. If the wax has frozen, it will get lumpy and separate. Wax Resist will be sent to cold regions in the winter only at the customer's risk.
Mr. Mark's Removable Wax Off Resist is a wax we have created for potters and decorative artists. It is designed to be painted on like regular wax, but can easily be peeled away. The removal is simple and can be done in a short period of time. This allows for endless possibilities in design as well as layering. Our Wax Off! Resist drys in 5-10 minutes depending on how thick you put it on. It drys darker than it appears when wet (so you know when it's ready). It can even be applied to spots on your bisque ware that have already been dipped in glaze without lifting away the glaze. On top of all that it's affordable! You will never have to be afraid of dripping wax on your pots and being stuck with a waxing mistake again: now you can just peel it away! Helpful Hint: By resting your brush in soapy water while you are working with Wax Off, you will preserve the life of your brush. Clean your brushes with soap and water after use. Dish soap works great. There are no commercial preservatives in this product to prevent it from freezing. If your area of the world is freezing this product when exposed may harden. There are no refunds if this happens. Please be aware of your local weather.
Aftosa Wax Resist is used to resist glazes. It should be thinned with water to suit the potter's use. The wax is applied to the base and rims of the pieces before glazing. Allow the wax three to four hours to dry before glazing (some clean up with a sponge may be required) or before adding a second coat. Aftosa Wax Resist is also excellent for use in decorating pottery.
Although Aftosa Wax Resist is tinted green so it is easy to see while you are working with it, the Wax Resist fires clear and the Black Wax Resist leaves a black line after being fired. The wax has a shelf life of 2-3 years. If used improperly, it can become contaminated. Always keep the lid tight on the original container. Pour a small amount in a separate container, use as desired, and dispose of the excess. Do NOT pour wax back into the original container. If the wax has a strong, sour odor, it has been contaminated. Clean up is easy with warm, soapy water. 1. Trail or brush Black Wax Resist in desired pattern and allow to dry a minimum of 2 hours. 2. Apply glaze or slip by dipping or brushing. 3. Fire (cone 06-8). Results may vary - please test first. Please Note: The Wax will FREEZE in cold climates and will not resist effectively. If the wax has frozen, it will get lumpy and separate. Wax Resist will be sent to cold regions in the winter only at the customer's risk.
WHEN USED AS RESIST FOR CERAMIC APPLICATION Latex resist is pre-mixed and ready to use as is, although you may thin it with water if necessary. Mix a little liquid dish soap with water and put into a container. Before using latex, wet your brush in the soapy water to help brushability and cleanup (after you’re finished, you can use the same soapy water to clean your brushes). Don’t use “good” brushes! Latex will eventually ruin your brushes, even if you take extraordinary care when cleaning up. Don’t wear good clothes when using latex. It will stain and won’t wash out of clothing. Apply one (1) thick coat of latex when used to resist glazes. Thinner coats may be difficult to remove and could leave little bits of latex on your piece. The latex dries from the bottom up, so when the top surface of the latex starts to turn yellow, you can lift it up. Drying time will vary from about 15 minutes to two hours, depending on temperature and humidity (Pieces can be placed in the sun or in front of a fan to accelerate drying time). Use a needle tool to gently lift an edge of the latex, then pull gently but firmly with your fingers to remove the latex. Make sure to wear a dust mask when removing the latex. Dry glaze particles on top of the latex can create a lot of dust when pulling it off. On some occasions, the latex resist can pull up at the edges if it is left on too long, perhaps overnight or longer. (If the piece with the latex on it is already glazed, this isn’t a big issue, but don’t create detailed latex resist patterns and then plan to apply the glaze the next morning.) Although it is not recommended, latex can be left on a piece during the firing (not large areas, but little bits and pieces that might not pull off when the latex is applied too thin), but it leaves an ashy residue, and it is not known if it produces harmful or toxic fumes. Tips from Marie Deborah Wald, longtime latex resist user (paraphrased & compiled by Bracker’s).
Water based wax emulsion used for glaze decorating. Glaze will be resisted where wax is applied. Dries quickly on bisque and in a consistency favorable to brush work. Please Note: The Wax will FREEZE in cold climates and will not resist effectively. If the wax has frozen, it will get lumpy and separate. Wax Resist will be sent to cold regions in the winter only at the customer's risk.