Kemper Tools Kemper ELS Element Staples - hairpin shaped
Hold loose kiln elements in place with these easy to insert, sharp-ended staples. These 1-1/2" staples are of a hear resistant alloy for temperatures to 2500 degree F (Cone 13). Packed 12 per package.
Skutt Ceramic Products Skutt Element Pins, package of 12
Hold loose kiln elements in place with these easy to insert pins. These 1-1/4" pins are of a heat resistant alloy for temperatures to 2500 degree F (Cone 13). Sold 12 per package.
Cone Art Kilns by Tucker's ConeArt 119D Element Set - 120v
Set includes: 2 wall elements All element designs are for kilns built after August 2000. Please include the serial number of your kiln when ordering. You save 10% when ordering a set vs buying individual elements. Our kiln tech recommends that all elements in the kiln get changed at the same time. However, individual elements can be purchased. Contact us if for more info and pricing if you need individual elements.
Cone Art Kilns by Tucker's ConeArt Kiln element for OVAL kilns
Please note: This set is for the OVAL kilns.Set includes: 1 top wall element 4 wall elements 1 floor element All element designs are for kilns built after August 2000. Please include the serial number of your kiln when ordering. You save 10% when ordering a set vs buying individual elements. Our kiln tech recommends that all elements in the kiln get changed at the same time. However, individual elements can be purchased. Contact us if for more info and pricing if you need individual elements.
$98.90 - $719.75
Cone Art Kilns by Tucker's ConeArt Kiln element for ROUND kilns
All element designs are for kilns built after August 2000. Please include the serial number of your kiln when ordering. You save 10% when ordering a set vs buying individual elements. Our kiln tech recommends that all elements in the kiln get changed at the same time. However, individual elements can be purchased. Contact us if for more info and pricing if you need individual elements.
$31.65 - $513.70
Cone Art Kilns by Tucker's ConeArt Kiln element for SQUARE Kilns
All element designs are for kilns built after August 2000. Please include the serial number of your kiln when ordering. You save 10% when ordering a set vs buying individual elements. Our kiln tech recommends that all elements in the kiln get changed at the same time. However, individual elements can be purchased. Contact us if for more info and pricing if you need individual elements.
$63.15 - $481.35
L&L Kiln Mfg. L&L Easy Fire Kiln Element
Elements for L&L Easy Fire Kilns Not all elements are in stock and may be shipped direct from the manufacturer based on their current stock and lead times.
Skutt Ceramic Products Skutt Element for KM or KMT 8, 10, or 12 sided kiln (NOT PK)
Elements for all current model Skutt Kilns (8-12 sided, KM and KMT only, non PK), includes 818, 822, 1018, 1022, 1027, 1218, 1222, 1227 Kiln element stock varies wildly. If your elements are not in stock here, we will have them shipped to you from the manufacturer. Looking for elements for a different Skutt kiln? Scroll down to see other options. Check out this video of Dave showing how to pin elements.
Skutt Ceramic Products Skutt Element for PK KILNS
Elements for all current model Skutt PK Kilns (includes 1227-3PK, 1231-3PK, 1427-3PK, and 1627-3PK) Kiln element stock varies wildly. If your elements are not in stock here, we will have them shipped to you from the manufacturer. Looking for elements for a different Skutt kiln? Scroll down to see other options. Check out this video of Dave showing how to pin elements.
Skutt Ceramic Products Skutt Element for Smaller Kilns
Elements for all smaller, current model, KM or KMT Skutt kilns (includes Firebox 8x4 LT, 8x6 LT, Glazetech, 614-3, and 714) Kiln element stock varies wildly. If your elements are not in stock here, we will have them shipped to you from the manufacturer. Looking for elements for a different Skutt kiln? Scroll down to see other options. Check out this video of Dave showing how to pin elements.