A high fire red clay with medium grog and sand for surface texture and minimal cracking and warping. Designed for sculpture, slab, and coil work.
Cone 6 Average Shrinkage 10.5% Absorption 5.0%
Cone 10 Average Shrinkage 12.0% Absorption 3.0%
Images of clay are fired to Cone 10 Reduction - Cone 6 - Cone 10
Plastic clay for wheel and modeling. The addition of granular manganese gives a speckled surface. The ideal temperature for developing best color tone is cone 5. Good results may be expected in reduction or oxidation firing. Commonly referred to as "Chocolate Chip" around Bracker's (nickname originated by customer Darla Heard).
Suggested bisque temperature C/04.
Shrinkage: 12% at C/4, 12.5% at C/6.
Absorption: 4.5% at C/4, 2.5% at C/6.
Image: Straight out of the kiln... Standard Clay 112, with a very light, sprayed on, layer of Opulence Clear. Fired to cone 5, by Darla Heard, Kansas Potter (used with permission).
A very smooth white stoneware body. Good for functional ware. Contains very fine porcelain grog. Has no fire clay.
Cone 10 Average Shrinkage 17.0% Absorption 1.0%
*formula change
November 2022 production/New Formula
*Note the printing on the box for production date
A porcelain body with a parian* like quality. It is white, tight and translucent when thin. Contains no ball clay.
Suggested bisque temperature C/06.
Shrinkage: 13% at C/8, 15% at C/10.
Absorption: 1% at C/8, .65% at C/10.
*Dictionary definition of parian
relating to Paros or the fine white marble for which it is renowned.
a native or inhabitant of Paros.
Parian ware (porcelain).
Red stoneware body with sand and grog. Oxidation firing yields brick red at cone 6 and deep warm brown at cone 8.
Suggested bisque temperature C/04.
Shrinkage: 12% at C/4, 13% at C/8.
Absorption: 2.5% at C/4, 1.0% at C/8.
A versatile, plastic English kaolin body. It throws and takes glazes well, and can be used in reduction, wood, and salt firings. Translucent when thin; wide range of color/texture in long wood firings. Suggested bisque temperature C/06. Shrinkage: 13% at C/10 Absorption: 0.3% at C/10 Sample was woodfired without glaze.
Extremely versatile clay body for throwing and handbuilding. Fires to a very light gray color. Works well in both woodfiring and reduction. Suggested bisque temperature C/04. Shrinkage: 12% at Cone 10 Absorption: 1.5% at C/10. Sample was woodfired without glaze.
An excellent bright white firing slip that works well with most commercial glazes and underglazes. Contains imported talc.
Cone 04 Shrinkage 5% Absorption 17%
Tips and tricks on low fire white slip
Glaze Recommendations for Low Fire White Slip and 105 White Clay
Safety Data Sheet
Pours smoothly, releases easily. Beautiful porcelain finish. Good green strength.
Shrinkage at Cone 6: 14.5%
Absorption at Cone 6: 1.2%
2 Gal Box can not ship via FedEx/UPS/USPS Freight/delivery/pickup in store only
Gray colored slip with fine black specks. Good for functional ware. Contains manganese. Fires to C/6. Shrinkage at C/6: 12.75% Absorption at C/6: 2.0% CAN NOT SHIP VIA UPS OR USPS. MUST SHIP VIA LTL FREIGHT, BRACKER'S DELIVERY, OR PICKED UP AT OUR STORE.
A smooth pouring stoneware slip. Fires beige in oxidation, brown in reduction. Good for functional ware. Shrinkage at Cone 6: 14.0% Absorption at Cone 6: 1.25% CAN NOT SHIP VIA UPS OR USPS. MUST SHIP VIA LTL FREIGHT, BRACKER'S DELIVERY, OR PICKED UP AT OUR STORE.
C/06-04 A classic terracotta color at C/04. Excellent casting slip. Can be used for all types of molds. Very good for functional ware. Cone 04 Average Shrinkage 6.0% Absorption 5.0%
Gives a reduction-like dark brown color in an electric kiln. Smooth and plastic. Good for all techniques. Contains manganese. We recommend a cone 5 firing for this clay.
Cone 4 Average Shrinkage 11.5% Absorption 2.4%
Cone 5 Average Shrinkage 12.5% Absorption 1.0%
A smooth pouring stoneware slip. Releases easily. Excellent for utility ware. Shrinkage at Cone 6: 13.0% Absorption at Cone 6: 2.0% CAN NOT SHIP VIA UPS OR USPS. MUST SHIP VIA LTL FREIGHT, BRACKER'S DELIVERY, OR PICKED UP AT OUR STORE.