Newest items
The latest additions to our store!
This just in! Get the dirt on clay
Technical Tuesday: What is a Flux?
What is a flux? And why is it mentioned so much? Fluxes are one of the integral parts to any glaze recipe, alongside glass formers...
Materials Monday - Glaze Vocabulary
This post is kind of a sequel to the Raw Material Vocab post. Let’s talk glazes! Here’s some common vocabulary you may here when discussing...
Materials Monday: Vocabulary
A lot of words get thrown out when talking about glazes and raw materials and it seems like it’s just expected that you know what...
Tech Talk Tuesday: Common Glaze Defects
We all know the feeling of opening up the kiln with lots of excitement and anticipation only to find that the glazes did something weird...
Featured Events
Midwest Pottery Fest Day 1
Saturday kicks off with a handmade cup giveaway for the first 50 people in the door.
Pottery Demonstrations:
11:00-11:50 David Lee & Bekah Bliss
1:30-2:20 Veronica Watkins & Alex Watson
3:00-3:50 Huey Lee & Chandra DeBuseMidwest Pottery Fest Day 2
Sunday features the popular Flower Bar. Choose from a variety of handmade vases and have floral designer Posy for Good arrange flowers for you.
Pottery Demonstrations:
10:30-11:20 Norleen Nosri & Meredith Host
1:00-1:50 Naomi Peterson & Jana Evans
Staff Favorites
Savvy Sophia's Selections -
Many of you have met Sophia while shopping in the store over the last year, or maybe you've talked to her on the phone. Soph will be taking a teaching position, and sadly March 1st is her last day. What we hear customers say is that she's knowledgable, enthusiastic, helpful and has great suggestions. Around the store, we all love her positive attitude, everlasting patience and creative ideas. She left this amazing parting gift of some of her favorite things:
Equipment in stock
Share information and details about this collection
- We keep much of our pottery collection on display. If you visit, be sure to plan for time to view it!
Our growing collection of Teabowls is on display any time we don't have a seasonal show
The Cone Box Show
The Cone Box Show is an ongoing example of the legacy of William Bracker
Piece shown here by Karen Kohtz, best in show, 2020 Exhibition
Learn more about the Cone Box Show