Express Pickup
For our local/regional customers, we offer an express pick up service, which you can take advantage of by selecting store pickup at checkout on our website. We started this during the Covid Pandemic as a contactless pickup option when in person shopping wasn't avaiable. Many people still like to place an order in advance and then do some additional browsing and shopping up front.
First and foremost, please wait for the FINAL EMAIL you receive informing you that your order is ready for pickup. While we do have about 97.63% of orders ready in a couple of hours, sometimes things happen, (really - don't ask unless you actually want to hear the chronicles of crazy clay lady)
Now, here's what you can expect after you place your order:
Email notifications will come from and will contain your order number in the subject line
• First email lets you know we're looking at your order. Sometimes we have a question or note for you, so do watch for that.
• Next, we'll let you know we are preparing your order (and we may have notes or questions at this stage too, so watch for that)
•••If we have a crucial question, you will get an email that will really directly tell you in the subject line that we have an important question about your order, so definitely read that one.
• Probably the last email you will get will be the exciting email telling you to come on down!
That email will also include the following important information:
Express pickup STANDARD hours are 10-3:30 Monday-Saturday. pickup is also available between 9-10 and from 3:30 until 5pm on weekdays by advanced request. (we just want to make sure someone is ready and available to load your order. We have people in the building, but not necessarily in earshot of your honk. ) If you need to come after 5pm, we do have a limited supply of storage lockers and can place items outside for pickup, please contact us as soon as possible to arrange this.
Click here to learn about lock box pickup
When you arrive, please proceed directly to the garage door on the inside corner of our building to the sign reading "express pick up". You may honk your horn or ring our red doorbell to alert our staff you have arrived. (please note it's a large building, so it may take a few minutes for someone to come out and greet you.)