Underglaze Transfer Application Instructions
Applying Transfers to a Flat Surface (Greenware or Bisque)
Our underglaze transfers are made from lead free / food safe underglaze that has been screened onto rice paper making them great for use on ceramic greenware or bisqueware. They can be fired to any temperature up to cone 10 although the lighter colors like pinks work better when fired to cone 6 and under. For best results use a zinc free clear or translucent glaze on top. If you prefer an unglazed surface the transfers mature and are food safe when fired to cone 6 or higher and will not require a glaze on top.
Materials Needed
• Elan Transfer Sheet
• Wet, leather hard, or bisque surface to apply transfer to
• Bowl of water
• Plastic rib tool (I use the yellow Y3 mud tools rib)
• Sharp scissors
• Pottery sponge
• Tiny paint brush for touch ups
• Kiln ☺
1. Lay your transfer sheet on the slab and starting in the center use a damp sponge (make sure to wring all excess water out) and slowly press the transfer down on to the clay.
2. Once the transfer is completely stuck you should notice the color change to a darker shade. At this point you can continue to gently press it with the wrung-out sponge.
3. Pull up a corner to see if it has transferred fully as you go and depending on how wet the clay is will determine how much pressing you will need to do. Sometimes pressing with your finger or again with the sponge is necessary. The wetter the clay is starting out easier it will be to get the image to transfer, the downside is that wetter clay makes it trickier to apply the transfer without smearing it.
4. Experiment with the amount of water / sponge pressing you need to do, learning this process will get easier the more you do it and begin to know what to look for when applying.
5. If your clay is dryer or leather hard you can apply the transfer and then use the yellow rib to press it down again similar to how you would apply a window sticker. Using this method can be tricky on wet clay as you can smear the ink if you press and rub rather than press and dab and ribs don’t really help when applying to bisqueware.
6. Once your design is transferred you can peel the paper off. As you pull go slowly and if you see
spots that didn’t transfer lay the paper back down and use a damp sponge or your finger to rub the area on to the pot. After all the paper is removed you can clean up the smudged areas and fill in the missing spots using some of the ink still on the sheet and your small paint brush.
7. For greenware application - Wait until your piece is fully bone dry and bisque to desired temperature. Since the underglaze will not be fully fused to the surface at bisque temperature you need to handle it with care as not to smudge the designs. Additionally, do not wash your bisqueware as you would traditionally do, instead blow it off in a well-ventilated area if necessary. Next apply a zinc free clear glaze on top and fire to desired glaze temperature.
8. For bisqueware application – It is very important to wait at least 24 hours or longer after applying the designs before you apply your glaze. If all the moisture is not out of the clay when you apply your clear glaze it can peel off. After your piece is fully dry apply a zinc free clear glaze on top and fire to desired glaze temperature.
9. Be sure not to use too thick of a glaze coat as not to cause your decals to run. Please see our glazing tutorial on our website for more detailed info as well.